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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bon Anniversaire!

Well, today marks the 2-year anniversary of this blog, as well as V-E Day (Victory in Europe, the end of WWII). It's also Mother's Day back in the States.

It’s been a bit of a whirlwind, more so for chores now that spring is already giving way to summer here with relentlessly sunny days and temps near or at 80F.

When my friend and I returned from the UK, we collected two very excited but well cared for pups and proceeded to spend Easter weekend in moderate isolation, never happier!

Now, in between editing and writing assignments, I’m focusing on the garden.
No doubt the neighbors will be relieved to see all the dreadful black plastic removed from along the long garden bed that borders the street, my lazy yet effective method to kill the tenacious crabgrass and weeds beneath that abounded from the previous owner, a new stone border installed (the stones are already piled up ready to be put in place) and some semblance of attractiveness to replace the previous eyesore. 

One such neighbor is "my" hedgehog that appropriately makes its home beneath my front hedge, to the distress of Tilly, my terrier, who frantically tries to intimidate it by barking mere centimeters from those spiny quills to no avail. Now it will have even greater access to all those yummy snails and slugs which are the bane of my lettuces and delicate seedlings, now that the plastic is gone. These porcupine-like creatures may be notorious fleabags but they are adorable!

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